DeafBlind Action

Ohio Population of the DeafBlind

Deafblindness is a spectrum of combined vision and hearing loss. For most, vision and hearing continue to get worse over time.

DeafBlind struggle to communicate and navigate the world without two key senses. In Ohio, there are about 84,797 DeafBlind individuals, and this number is growing as the population ages.

We have asked for a $565,000 DeafBlind Fund to continue growing the Ohio SSP/CN program as an amendment to House Bill (HB) 96.

What is an SSP?

A Support Service Provider (SSP) is a trained professional who assists DeafBlind (DB) individuals by providing environmental and visual information, mobility guidance, transportation, and communication support. SSPs are also known as Co-Navigators (CN).

SSPs/CNs do not make decisions for the DeafBlind individual. Instead, they facilitate independence and access for the DB person. SSPs may use tactile signing, close vision signing, or other communication methods to relay details about surroundings, read printed materials, or assist with communicating with others.

DeafBlind Client with SSP

DeafBlind Ohioans Need YOUR Support.

How to Contact Your Ohio Legislators About HB 96

Step 1: Go to:

Step 2: Type in your address or zip code at the bottom and click “Submit” to find out who your Senator and House Representative are.

Step 3: Click on your Senator or Representative to open their member website.

Step 4: Go to their “Contact” tab.

Step 5: Type your information into the text boxes. For the subject line, put “Support HB 96 for DeafBlind Ohioans.”

Step 6: Copy and paste the following sample letter into the “Message” section:


My name is [YOUR NAME]. I am a DeafBlind [ADVOCATE / RESIDENT] in your community.

I am writing to ask for your support for an amendment to HB 96—the DeafBlind Fund. The fund has support of Republicans and Democrats. Both Representatives Jeff LaRe (R) and Crystal Lett (D) have drafted amendments to continue the important services for DeafBlind Ohioans through the GRF 415515 DeafBlind Fund.

For the past year and a half, the DeafBlind Fund has been used for a Support Service Provider (SSP), or CoNavigator (CN), Pilot Program. This program has allowed DeafBlind individuals to take part in our community and function independently doing necessary tasks. The fund was first added in the 2024-2025 Ohio Biennial Budget with support from Republicans and Democrats and signed by Governor DeWine. The DeafBlind Fund was under Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. The fund was administered by the Columbus Speech & Hearing Center (CSH).

Those of us who are DeafBlind are concerned for our future. We need permanent funding for services to keep this basic quality of life.

I would greatly appreciate your support of HB 96 DeafBlind Fund. And I would greatly appreciate your support in finding a permanent solution for services to our underserved DeafBlind Ohioans.


Step 7: Make sure to replace all [PLACEHOLDER TEXT] in the letter with the correct information.

Step 8: Click “Send” to submit your letter. You can send this letter to both your Representative and Senator.

Example video demonstrating how to find a member’s contact page.

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