Senior Hearing Health Program
Hearing loss is more prevalent than ever before in our society, and it often affects the health, wellness, and quality of life of older adults. Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss, occurs gradually over time and occurs in 1 out of 3 individuals between the ages 64 – 75, making it one of the most common conditions older adults experience.
Our Senior Hearing Health Program focuses on how hearing loss impacts communication and interactions with others and offers next step guidelines for identification and treatment options. Hearing health seminars and hearing screenings may be scheduled on a fee-for-service basis at your location.
Diabetes Hearing Health
This program supports diabetes educators by raising awareness about the link between hearing loss and diabetes. Studies show hearing loss is about twice as common in adults with diabetes when compared to those without the disease, and this educational seminar addresses how we hear normally and how hearing loss can occur gradually over time impacting communication and interactions with others.
Hear for Life
The Hear for Life program is an interactive program designed to educate young students about the danger of hearing loss due to recreational and occupational noise exposure. The purpose of the program is to change the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of 3rd-5th graders about noise exposure and hearing loss prevention through a series presentations and hands-on activities.
Senior Options Older Adult Outreach Program
Columbus Speech and Hearing and the Franklin County Office on Aging and Senior Options Program offer hearing screenings, hearing evaluations and hearing aid services at six locations in Franklin County. Seniors who need hearing aids may qualify for a free device. Seniors must be age 60 or older, live in Franklin County and qualify financially to participate in this program.
Call Columbus Speech and Hearing at (614) 263-5151 for more information or to schedule an appointment.