Holiday Gift Ideas for Practicing Speech Skills

Our Holiday Gift Guide is here! We polled our speech therapists to find out their favorite toys (and non-toy gifts) for all ages. The items on this list are regularly used by our clinicians in speech therapy, or used at home with their own children. If you have specific questions about gift ideas for your…
Diabetes and Hearing Loss: What’s the Connection?
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Let’s take this time to highlight a less-discussed complication of diabetes – hearing loss. According to research, adults with diabetes are twice as likely to experience hearing loss compared to those without the condition. Even individuals with prediabetes have a 30% higher risk of hearing loss. How Diabetes Affects Hearing…
Meet the Hanna Family
Cynthia Hanna sought out speech therapy after her son Liam was diagnosed with autism and her daughter Alora showed signs of a speech delay. She knew early intervention could help both kids improve their social and verbal skills, but had some struggles getting them into a location where the waitlist was not that long for…
10 Questions About Hearing Loss, Answered
Hearing loss is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. In Ohio, an estimated 18.8% of people have hearing loss, which exceeds the national average of 15.9%. Hearing loss can significantly impact your life, even without you realizing, which is why it is important to learn about the causes, risks, treatment options,…
What to Know About Childhood Speech Disorders
Childhood speech disorders are conditions that affect a child’s ability to produce sounds that create words. These disorders can impact a child’s communication skills and their ability to learn effectively. Understanding the types of speech disorders, identifying them early, and knowing the available treatment options are essential for helping children overcome these challenges. Types of…
Enduring Friendships
Esther Holsinger devoted a decade of her career to Columbus Speech & Hearing (CSH), serving as a Speech Therapist from 1983 to 1993. Her dedication and expertise led to her promotion as the first assistant director of the speech department during her tenure. One of Esther’s most cherished memories revolves around her involvement with Head…
A Journey of Hope
In December 1982, Ian entered the world with challenges immediately setting him on a unique path. His Apgar scores were not promising, and as the months passed, it became evident that he wasn’t meeting typical developmental milestones. Debbie Freece, a registered nurse and Ian’s determined mother became increasingly anxious about her son’s well-being. The doctor…
Shirley was born in 1936 in the heart of Pennsylvania coal country to two hearing parents. A few years after losing her father at the age of six, Shirley noticed her peripheral vision beginning to fail while enrolled at the Pittsburgh School for the Deaf. Even though her vision was failing rapidly, she continued with…
Hearing Loss & Heart Disease
Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, and factors like hypertension and diabetes are on the rise. While no definitive link between hearing loss and heart disease has been established, extensive research suggests a connection. According to a 2018 JAMA study, cardiovascular disease was associated with worsened and accelerated hearing…
My Life Has Been Changed Forever
I am a patient of Ann Wheat’s and she has changed my life forever. In 2018, I noticed that my clients sounded muffled. I’m a mental health and substance use therapist. I was asking clients to repeat themselves every session. Imagine how frustrating it is for a therapy client to feel as if their therapist…