Halloween Hop is Sold Out!
The 8th Annual Halloween Hop is officially sold out, and we’re thrilled by the overwhelming response! A heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors who make this event possible. We are excited to have a spooktacular time on October 28th! While our tickets are all spoken for, we’re not done yet! We’re still on the…
Save The Date for the 8th Annual Halloween Hop!
Save the Date! Columbus Speech & Hearing’s Halloween Hop is back this fall. Join us on October 28th as we invite the community for a free, sensory-friendly Halloween experience. If you are interested in sponsoring or becoming involved with this fun, unique event, contact Laura Owens, Special Events Coordinator lowens@columbusspeech.org.
7th Annual Halloween Hop was a Big Success!
Columbus Speech & Hearing held our annual Halloween Hop on October 15th at Graves Hall on The Ohio State University Campus. Halloween Hop has become a favorite with our clients and the community. This year we welcomed 150 families, that’s over 400 people! Thank You! Halloween Hop would not be possible without the generosity of…
Halloween Hop
Halloween is an experience that every child should be able to enjoy. That’s what inspired the creation of Halloween Hop. Trick-or-treating involves language and social interaction skills, and the ability to follow a socially established routine.
6th Annual Halloween Hop Raised Over $20,000!
After taking a year off due to COVID, Columbus Speech & Hearing brought back the wildly popular Halloween Hop. Held on October 16th at Graves Hall on OSU Campus, we welcomed over 60 families to this sensory-friendly Halloween experience. The successful event was brought to you by the Halloween Hop Committee, chaired by Danielle Dobkins,…
Halloween Hop
October 16, 2021 Halloween is an experience that every child should be able to enjoy. That’s what inspired the creation of Halloween Hop. Trick-or-treating involves language and social interaction skills, and the ability to follow a socially established routine. Typical Halloween celebrations can be challenging for children with special needs, especially those with communication and…
Now Seeking Volunteers for Halloween Hop!
Columbus Speech & Hearing is excited to begin planning for our annual Halloween Hop! This sensory-friendly event is perfect for trick-or-treaters of all ages and a great opportunity for kids to experience a non-spooky Halloween. We are searching for volunteers to join our Halloween Hop planning committee. The time commitment is approximately 3-5 hours per…
Halloween Costume Contest
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, our in-person Halloween Hop has been canceled for the 2020 season. However, CSHC loves Halloween too much to let the holiday pass without some spooktacular family fun! This year we will be hosting a virtual Halloween Costume Contest. Each participant will be entered into a random drawing and the winners…