Joseph was not yet sitting up unassisted by his 9-month check up, so he came to Columbus Speech & Hearing for an Occupational Therapy evaluation.
Joseph started CSH’s former Occupational Therapy program and after less than two months, his parents saw changes in how he crawled and in his ability to participate in core strength tasks. “It seemed like every week we noticed changes,” said Joseph’s mom. “Even though they were small at first, they were adding up to big improvements in his motor and sensory skills.”
As a result of his time at CSH, Joseph is now reaching developmental milestones and achieving skills closer to his chronological age versus his adjusted age (because of his premature birth).
“For our family, we feel as though CSH has not only helped Joseph meet his needs, but they have educated us as parents on how to incorporate various skills or technology into our daily lives for his benefit.” Joseph’s mom continues, “We know he would not be where he is today without the expertise, support and compassion of our ‘CSH family.”‘