I was born hard of hearing and grew up in Akron, Ohio. I remember going to the speech and hearing center, where I would get regular hearing tests with all those beeping noises. When I came to Columbus to go to Columbus State, I still came in contact with the Columbus Speech & Hearing in various ways.
Because of my hearing issues, I continued to get hearing tests when I needed new hearing aids. Even when I went into the denial stage of my hearing worsening, the Audiologists tried so hard to help me. Soon I finally came to terms with the changes and obtained a Cochlear Implant.
When the CSH was involved with the Ohio DeafBlind Program, I received help in many ways. As my eyes worsened and my hearing declined, The program provided people to help me through many transitions. Through CSH, I was connected to iCanConnect (ICC). ICC provided various types of equipment to help me learn how to stay independent in a world that was very visual.
I have been very pleased that Columbus Speech & Hearing has walked with me in many ways. I am now 66 years old, and I can’t ever say enough about the center to know they were one of my rocks through the journey of losing my eyesight and some of my hearing. Now, CSH is involved in the Service Support Provider (SSP) program. It has been a relief for me to feel independent. With an SSP to get me out of the house to shop, take walks, etc. What a blessing those few hours do for me. It gives my husband some relief, and he can see how happy I am when I get home. My children are happy to know that I can get out, for they both are so busy with their newborn babies.
May the center continue to provide for the community, and may they celebrate another 100 years.
– Stephanie Bretz