According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “In 2019, 7.1% of adults aged 45 and over used a hearing aid.” If you’re among this population and you’re anticipating a hospital stay, it’s important that you’re ready to manage your hearing aids. We review some tips for this below.
Bring a Carrying Case
Your hearing aids probably came with a carrying case to store them in when not in use. It’s important that you bring this to the hospital with you so that your hearing aids aren’t just loose on your bedside table or in your bag where it would be too easy for them to get lost or damaged.
Consider Placement
Just like at home, you should try to put your hearing aids in a consistent spot every time you’re not wearing them. This could be in a drawer next to your bed or in your backpack or suitcase. Never put your hearing aids on your food tray, or else they might be discarded with your trash, or in your clothing, or they could be put through the laundry.
Don’t Stop Nightly Cleanings
Being in the hospital will probably throw off your routine, but you shouldn’t sacrifice nightly cleanings of your hearing aids during your stay. It should only take about five minutes to wipe them down with a soft, dry clean cloth, remove stubborn debris with a wax pick or wire loop and open the battery doors so moisture can evaporate.
Communicate with Your Medical Team
Your medical team must know about your hearing loss and hearing aids. This way, they’ll use helpful communication strategies and give you time to put your hearing aids in before sharing important information or updates about your care.
Ask Loved Ones for Help
Your friends and family want to support you during your hospital stay. If you need to, ask them for help with keeping track of your hearing aids, making sure they’re cleaned and having extra batteries on hand.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an Audiologist, call Columbus Speech & Hearing today.